Must Have Tools for Van Building

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If you are doing a DIY van build, check out these must have tools!

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With 20+ years of experience in building and carpentry, our van builder Blake has several must-have tools he recommends for your van building shop. Having these tools in your arsenal will improve both your efficiency and the professional look of your build. 

First up is the Dewalt plunge router. Great for making cuts within your workpiece, it’s useful for routing openings of various sizes when building cabinets in your van. 

Do you use an edging router in your van build? We find it comes in handy for making profiles along the edge/outside of your workpiece, for a smooth, rounded edge. For example, the panels for the van’s garage. We use this Rigid laminate trim router

Next up is the track saw, which shines when breaking down sheets into manageable pieces. Add efficiency and accuracy to your van build with the Fest tool track saw

And no van building shop would be complete without a table saw. Truly the cornerstone tool for your van buildout. The Dewalt table saw is excellent for cutting smaller strips with accuracy and cutting grooves and joints. We use it when making our shaker doors for our vans.