Ready for a DIY Van Build?


Thinking about a DIY van build? Ready to start but unsure how to budget? Download our free template to get started on your DIY van build budget. And read on for key budgeting considerations.

It’s no secret that costs for building out a camper van range widely. It’s important to think through these costs, and your key design decisions, before getting started. We’ve created a simple budget to help you calculate the potential costs involved in your van build.

Keep in mind, this is merely a guide to get you started. There are many decisions along the way that will influence your budget. There is also the cost of your time, something you will want to consider as a DIY builder.

While everyone has unique goals for their van, we cover the major expense categories you want to consider in your build. Download our van build budget template to start planning. 

But before you do so, ask yourself these questions:
  • What do you intend to use your van for? That greatly impacts the time, money and components you will put into the van. Basic weekend warrior rig or full-time luxury tiny house on wheels? The choice is yours but consider this in your budget. (Check out our post on The Value that Van Life Creates.)
  • What components are important to you? When we first started, we wanted all of our vans to have a wet bath (indoor shower/toilet). This was mainly because we were used to traveling in a large RV with this amenity. But after hearing from multiple van owners who use their beautiful (and expensive) wet bath for a closet, we decided to go with a simpler outdoor shower option. Joolca outdoor showers are efficient and don’t require taking up precious real estate in your van.
  • What is realistic for your budget? Not everyone needs or is ready to pay for a fully loaded van build. This can run upwards of over $150,000 for a custom build (not including the cost of the vehicle itself). Maybe you want a simple weekend camper van with minimal components to worry about. Design your van not only around your intended use but also what is practical for your budget and lifestyle. A van build shouldn’t break the bank!
  • Are you overthinking it? If you love van life, this is likely not your first build. One thing we find DIY builders get hung up on is making decisions about their build. This results in taking years to build out a van, maybe never finishing. And guess what? That is a waste of time and money in the end! You bought a beautiful van. Build it out for what you need right now, knowing this doesn’t have to be your last van build. Progress over perfection! Those who really enjoy van life often build out multiple vans over the years, learning from each one over time and use. 
And finally, before you make your budget, consider two things a van build budget can’t account for: Expertise & Time. 

It is important to ask yourself… do you have both the time and know-how (or desire to learn) for your DIY build? We’ve seen some very successful DIY builds. And van build veterans can give you a long list of van build mistakes to avoid. The process will likely be more time consuming, and frustrating, than you anticipate when you dream of van life scrolling through Instagram.

A budget accounts for the cost of the components and your vehicle. Not time spent. With a fully loaded build, expert trained builders often take 4-6+ months working full-time to complete one build alone. This includes multiple team members with various technical skills (plumbing, electrical, cabinetry, interior design), not just one person. A high-end build can easily involve over 1,000 hours of labor. 

It’s important to ask yourself if you have the motivation, while working full time, to build out a van. How do you feel about spending your weekends and after hours going through tedious electrical details? Or figuring out how to set up your van’s plumbing system? For some, this is a delightful adventure in self-empowerment. For others, this is a nightmare that takes all the joy out of their original free-spirited vision of van life.

So before you nail down your budget, purchase a van and all your components, be sure to evaluate the cost of your time and the skills required.

If van building isn’t for you, drop us a line or take a look at our vans for sale